Modern code documentation

Part 1: Sphinx-based documentation on Read the Docs

In this exercise we will implement a Sphinx-based documentation, host it on GitHub and deploy it to This is exactly how this page that you read right now arrives to your browser (the sources are here:

  • Set up a virtual environment according to
  • Install Sphinx to the virtual environment.
  • Run sphinx-quickstart (
  • Build the html and check it locally on your computer and in your browser.
  • Make some changes to it and build them locally.
  • Create a new GitHub project for it.
  • Push the documentation sources to the new GitHub project.
  • Create an account at
  • Import the Github project you just created to Read the Docs.
  • Create a post commit hook in GitHub so that changes automatically refresh the Read the Docs pages.
  • Test the post commit hook by making and pushing changes to the documentation sources and verify that the documentation refreshes after your changes.

Part 2: Create an example project website and host it on GitHub Pages

Create an example project website (from GitHub Pages templates or on your own) and host it on GitHub Pages ( If you use Doxygen, try to host Doxygen-generated documentation on GitHub Pages.